

i assure you all, i'm still on board, moving forward with the project. it's been so long since i updated...and i'm sorry!

times is hard, though, ya'll.

but i'm not going to waste time explaining why i've been unmotivated to post. timing is everything, though. we finally started saving money and being smart with our finances, and of course we run into challenges right off the bat. isn't that how it always works?

i've had a few slip ups, i think i blame it on a few things:

1. i was sick, then dustin was sick, and we weren't motivated to plan out the next month of groceries. it was easier to just grab something quick, but i regret every meal we cheated with.

2.we got hit with a few unexpected "money things" that, intitially, felt impossible to move past. but, d and i are smart kids and i think we have a good handle on things now.

it's just hard to make not spending money "fun" when it becomes a "need." but i haven't given up yet...still going strong. and i have SO MANY GREAT RECIPES to share with you guys...i hope to update the past few this weekend....so look forward to that! i think i'll post one from memory right after i finish this up...

oh, and i still haven't been to target. :)


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