
happy valentimes.

so, one of my favorite days of the year is right around the corner...

valentine's day!

so, what do you do for the ones you love when you're on a tight budget? well, maybe avoid this article about fancy-shmancy get-a-ways. and look for better, heartfelt ideas.

my "inspiration" over at www.andthenshesaved.com has a GREAT list of ideas here.

i also love this recipe (and the whole website! not always frugal, but the pioneer lady has some great ideas!)

the past few weeks i've spent a lot of time googling, "crafts for dudes" and let me just tell you...there's a lot of crap out there. the problem i see is ladies coming up with a brilliant idea like, screen printing lyrics from "their song" onto a pink, zebra pint pillow case (because it's the same pattern of the dress she was wearing on their first date!). then they're bummed out when the dude doesn't get all giddy and excited about it like they imagined in the wee hours of the morning while they're adding more sequins.

i think ladies are the ones who are usually guilty of this...sometimes we make gifts they want to receive, a gift that, realistcally, a dude would NEVER make them. but, of course, the lady is secretly wishing he would bust out his inner martha stewart and craft the hell out of a valentine's day gift full of meaning and sentiment. you'll save yourself some hurt feelings if you really think, "is he going to wear this puffy painted t-shirt with my face on it, sprayed with my perfume?"

being a "cheap valentine" could mean a sappy gift for your partner, but i think the best gifts happen when you really think about what the other person would want, need, or appreciate. if you really think your boyfriend is going to love a body pillow sewn to your exact measurements--do it! other ideas? do something for your girlfriend they hate to do, or pack your partner a meal for lunch you know they'll love (and of course include the love note on a napkin!) and surprises! i mean, not everyone loves surprises, but if your valentine does, think of a way to really catch them off guard with extreme lovin'. or do something you wouldn't ordinarilly do...don't usually cook? make a meal! don't usually shower them in compliments? use your words and try it out! don't usually canoodle in public? go for it!

the best way to ensure a happy valentine? take the time to think about what they would love...and act on it! and kiss...a lot. :)

xo xo

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